Lose Weight with Self Hypnosis: Your Ultimate Guide

Struggling to lose weight? Self-hypnosis can help. It changes your subconscious mind and helps you see food in a positive way. This leads to better weight management.

This guide will show you how to use self-hypnosis for weight loss. You’ll learn about the mind-body link and how to use visualization and affirmations. These tools will help you start a journey to a healthier, slimmer you.

Key Takeaways

  • Self-hypnosis can effectively target the subconscious mind to reprogram negative thought patterns and develop a positive relationship with food.
  • Regular self-hypnosis practice, typically around 20 minutes per day, can help retrain the brain and establish lasting healthy habits.
  • Visualization, positive affirmations, and mindfulness techniques are powerful self-hypnosis strategies for weight loss.
  • Hypnosis works best when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise for a comprehensive approach to weight management.
  • Belief and trust in the process are crucial for the success of self-hypnosis for weight loss.

What Is Self-Hypnosis for Weight Loss?

Understanding the Power of Your Mind

Self-hypnosis for weight loss uses the power of your subconscious mind. It helps you relax deeply and focus. This lets you change negative thoughts and habits with positive ones. It’s a way to use your mind to control your body and help with weight management.

Studies show that self-hypnosis can help with weight loss. A study by Bo et al. (2018) found it effective for people with severe obesity. Another study by Milling, Gover & Moriarty (2018) showed hypnosis can help with weight management.

It’s not just about losing weight. It’s about changing your mind to think healthier about food and exercise. By using your mind’s power, you can make lasting changes for better weight management and health.

self-hypnosis for weight loss

“Self-hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help individuals overcome negative patterns and achieve their weight loss goals. By accessing the subconscious mind, people can make lasting changes that lead to a healthier, happier lifestyle.” – Jillian Williams, Holistic Psychotherapist

How to Lose Weight Using Self Hypnosis

Losing weight can be tough, but self-hypnosis might be the answer. It helps change your thoughts, cravings, and habits about food and exercise. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using self-hypnosis for lasting weight loss.

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Start by setting clear weight loss goals. Decide how much weight you want to lose and by when. Having realistic goals keeps you motivated and tracks your progress.
  2. Create a Relaxing Environment: Find a quiet spot where you can focus on self-hypnosis. Make it comfy, turn off the lights, and remove distractions.
  3. Breathe Deeply: Take a moment to breathe deeply and relax. Breathe in through your nose, hold it, and breathe out through your mouth.
  4. Visualize Success: Imagine yourself at your dream weight, feeling great and full of energy. Picture how you’ll look and feel, focusing on the good feelings of reaching your goal.
  5. Affirm Your Intentions: Say positive things to yourself that support your weight loss. Saying “I easily make healthy choices” or “My body is changing for the better” can change your mind.
  6. Emerge with Intention: Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to work towards your goals.

Using self-hypnosis regularly can really help with weight loss. A 2018 study showed that those who used self-hypnosis ate fewer calories and lost an average of 9.6 kilograms over a year. Start using your mind’s power for a healthier, happier life.

Self-Hypnosis Weight Loss TechniquesKey Benefits
Self-hypnosis weight loss techniquesChange your thoughts, cravings, and habits about food and exercise
Hypnotic weight loss methodsUse your subconscious mind for lasting weight control
How to lose weight using self hypnosisSet achievable goals, relax, and imagine success

self-hypnosis weight loss techniques

“Hypnotherapy was most effective for weight loss when combined with diet and exercise-based approaches.”

Believe in the Power of Hypnosis

Believing in self-hypnosis for weight loss is the first step to success. If you doubt your mind’s power over your body, you might not see the results you want. But, if you trust in self-hypnosis to help you reach your goals, it can change your life.

Studies show hypnosis can really help with weight management. In the 90s, researchers looked at 18 studies on hypnosis and found big benefits. People who used self-hypnosis lost more weight than those who didn’t. And they kept the weight off even after the treatment stopped.

Belief is key to making hypnosis work for weight loss. A 50-year-old mom lost over 50 pounds by telling herself “Unnecessary food is a burden on my body. I’m going to shed what I don’t need.” Her strong belief in self-hypnosis led to her success.

When starting self-hypnosis, it’s important to believe in its power. Hearing about others’ success, like the five-star reviews and life-changing stories, can help. It shows that hypnosis can really work.

“Hypnotherapy helped me quit a 20-year smoking habit,” shared the writer’s father, underscoring the power of the mind to overcome deeply ingrained behavioral patterns.

Let self-hypnosis change your life. Believe in your mind’s power, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier life.

power of hypnosis for weight loss

Get Comfortable for Self-Hypnosis

Creating the Right Environment

Deep relaxation is key for effective self-hypnosis. It’s important to find a place where you can fully relax. This helps you get the most out of self-hypnosis for weight loss. A calm setting lets your mind work better and change how you see food and your body.

First, pick a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted. Make sure the room is at a comfortable temperature, with soft lighting and cozy seating. Adding soft music can also help you relax and stay focused. The aim is to block out distractions so your mind can dive deep into self-hypnosis.

Studies show self-hypnosis can really help with weight loss. A 2018 study found people using hypnosis lost an average of 9.6 kilograms over a year. In 2020, another study showed hypnosis can change leptin levels, which control hunger and metabolism.

Creating the right space for self-hypnosis is a big step towards success. Let the calmness take over and let self-hypnosis for weight loss work its magic. The more at ease and focused you are, the better the results will be.

best environment for self-hypnosis

Focus and Breathe Deeply

Starting your self-hypnosis journey to lose weight means focusing on your breathing. Deep breathing techniques for self-hypnosis calm your mind and body. This makes it easier for a successful hypnotic experience.

Find a quiet, comfy spot to sit or lie down without distractions. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, letting your belly move with each breath. As you focus the mind for weight loss hypnosis, feel stress leave your body, starting at your face and moving down.

  1. Inhale slowly through your nose, counting to four.
  2. Hold your breath for a count of four.
  3. Exhale slowly through your mouth, counting to six.
  4. Repeat this cycle for several minutes, letting your body relax with each breath.

“Focusing on your breath is the key to unlocking the power of self-hypnosis for weight loss. It clears the mind and prepares you for the hypnotic experience.”

By focusing on your breathing, you can focus the mind for weight loss hypnosis. This helps you relax deeply. It sets the stage for the powerful effects of self-hypnosis.

Visualize a Pendulum

Using visualization is key to successful self-hypnosis for losing weight. Imagine a pendulum swinging back and forth in your mind. Keep your focus on its steady movement. This can lead to deep relaxation and focus, making it easier to work on using visualization in self-hypnosis for weight loss.

The pendulum method has been around since the early 1800s. French chemist Michel-Eugène Chevreul studied how our bodies react to imagined situations. His work helped create the hypnotic pendulum technique for weight management, now used in hypnosis training.

This experiment shows how our minds and bodies are connected. By focusing on the pendulum, people often see it move or turn. This shows how our thoughts can change the physical world.

“The effects of self-hypnosis are demonstrated using Chevreul’s pendulum, which aims to illustrate the influence of imagination on physical movements.”

Learning to visualize the pendulum can help you with self-hypnosis for weight loss. As you watch it swing, you’ll relax and focus better. This is the perfect state for making positive changes and reaching your goals.

Count Down to Hypnosis

Entering a State of Self-Hypnosis

Keep breathing deeply and focus on the pendulum as you start the counting down for self-hypnosis. This step-by-step process will help you relax deeply. It makes you ready to use your subconscious mind for weight loss.

  1. Start by counting down from 10 to 1 in your mind, with each number you become increasingly relaxed and focused.
  2. As you count down, affirm to yourself that with each number, you are entering a state of self-hypnosis.
  3. By the time you reach 1, you should feel a deep sense of calm and focus, ready to immerse yourself in the power of hypnosis for weight loss.

The counting down technique is a common method used by hypnotists. It helps put you into a deep, satisfying trance. This process involves relaxing different parts of your body, starting from your feet and moving upwards.

Remember, the goal is to create a sense of detachment and dissociation. This lets you fully experience the hypnotic trance. As you keep breathing deeply and counting down, you’ll enter a state of deep relaxation and focus. You’re now ready to unlock the full potential of self-hypnosis for weight loss.

Wake Up from Self-Hypnosis

After your weight loss self-hypnosis session, wake up gently. Start by counting from 1 to 10. Tell yourself you’re getting more alert and refreshed with each number. Imagine feeling energized and ready for the day by the time you hit 10. Open your eyes and take a moment to feel grounded, keeping the hypnosis’s positive effects.

Studies show weight-loss hypnosis therapy can lead to big weight loss quickly. Suzy Teixeira, a clinical hypnotherapist, saw clients lose about 22 pounds in six sessions. Others lost around 33 pounds in seven sessions. This shows how powerful properly ending a self-hypnosis session for weight loss can be.

To come out of self-hypnosis well, follow these steps:

  1. Count slowly from 1 to 10, telling yourself you’re getting more alert and energized.
  2. Picture yourself feeling refreshed, focused, and ready for the day.
  3. When you hit 10, open your eyes and breathe deeply, letting the hypnosis’s good effects stay with you.
  4. Stretch your body to help you feel present again.
  5. Have a glass of water and do something light to stay grounded.

These simple steps help you properly end a self-hypnosis session for weight loss. They make sure the hypnosis’s benefits keep working for you even after the session.

“Hypnosis has helped thousands of people in overcoming sugar addiction and achieving optimal mind-body health.”

For effective self-hypnosis for weight loss, keep an open mind, trust the process, and stick with it. Adding these techniques to your daily life will help you reach your weight loss goals.


Self-hypnosis is a strong, natural way to help you succeed in the long run. It lets you change your thoughts, cravings, and habits about food and exercise. With regular self-hypnosis, you can build a good relationship with your body. You’ll get more motivated to live healthy and reach your weight loss goals.

The benefits of self-hypnosis for losing weight are clear. Studies show people who try hypnotherapy can lose 2 to 3 percent of their weight in 3 months. They keep those results even a year and a half later. Self-hypnosis can help you break bad habits and stick to healthy choices.

To succeed, believe in the process and make self-hypnosis a part of your life. Using your mind’s power with self-hypnosis can lead to better health, more confidence, and achieving your weight loss dreams.


What is self-hypnosis for weight loss?

Self-hypnosis for weight loss uses the subconscious mind to change how you think and act about food and exercise. It puts you in a deep, focused state. This way, you can swap negative thoughts and habits for positive, healthy ones.

How can self-hypnosis help with weight loss?

Self-hypnosis targets the subconscious mind to aid in weight loss. It helps you develop a good relationship with food. It boosts your motivation for healthy habits and helps you control cravings and eating behaviors.

What are the key steps in using self-hypnosis for weight loss?

Key steps include setting up a comfy space, focusing on deep breathing, and visualizing a pendulum. Counting down helps you enter a hypnotic state. Then, use positive affirmations and imagery to change your subconscious mind.

How important is belief in the process of self-hypnosis for weight loss?

Belief in self-hypnosis is key to its success. If you believe your mind can change your health, self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool for change.

What is the best way to create the right environment for self-hypnosis?

For the best self-hypnosis space, pick a quiet, comfy spot where you won’t be interrupted. Make it calm with soft music and the right lighting. Adjust the temperature and seating to relax you further.

How do I enter a state of deep relaxation for self-hypnosis?

To relax deeply, focus on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths, letting your belly move with each breath. As you breathe, let go of tension and stress.

What visualization technique can I use during self-hypnosis for weight loss?

Use visualization by picturing a pendulum swinging in your mind. Keep your focus on its steady swing. Let it be the only thing you think about.

How do I enter a state of self-hypnosis?

Start by counting down from 10 to 1 in your mind. With each number, tell yourself you’re getting more relaxed and entering self-hypnosis. By 1, you should be deeply focused and ready to listen.

How do I properly wake up from a self-hypnosis session?

Wake up by counting back up from 1 to 10, telling yourself you’re getting more awake and refreshed. Picture yourself feeling full of energy and ready for the day. When you hit 10, open your eyes and ground yourself.

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